We've mentioned Edgy Brothers Presents here just a few times before and today we're sharing with you the first episode: Edgy Brothers Meditation! Check it out for yourself and see what you think...and don't worry this IS the "clean version" although it's still three alcoholic beverages sitting on a bar talking so use your common sense when you check this one out at work!
Edgy Brothers Presents: Edgy Brothers Meditation
Edgy Brothers Meditation
[Meditation Music Plays]
Tom Collins: "And breathe in [Breathing In] feeling the universe coursing through you...and release. You feel that calmness?"
Beer Pint: "Ya, I can feel it."
Hurricane: "Jesus lady, try some breath mints! Like getting squatted over by a Doberman [Laughs]. What're you guys doing, hyperventilating?
Tom Collins: "Ah yes, that was very funny Hurricane but, uh, rather than mock the ancient art of meditation, perhaps you would care to join us?
Hurricane: "Yeah...it kind of looks like a big fat waste of time from where I'm standing."
Tom Collins: "Oh nonsense, hey it has transformed the, uh, rageaholic beer pint into a placid creature at one with himself. Not a single outburst for days.
Hurricane: "Fine, how's this work?"
Tom Collins: "Well, all you need to do is, uh, simply choose an image, something very pleasant and serene...and breathe."
Hurricane: "Okay...what if I'm thinking of, like, five things? How do I choose?"
Tom Collins: "Oh, really any of it at all will do, uh, the key is, uh, uh, to do it quietly"
Hurricane: "Alright...now I can't think of anything!"
Tom Collins: "Uh, uh, again, quietly..."
Hurricane: "Okay, fine, I guess I'm [Censored]...HEY! I just thought of something pleasant! Channing Tatum's [Censored]!"
Beer Pint: "SHUT THE [Censored] UP!"
Support Edgy Brothers Presents!
If you loved episode 1, Edgy Brothers Meditation and would like to see many more episodes of Edgy Brothers Presents get made, then Chris and Dave could really use your support! Read all about their project on Patreon to see how you can help this talented duo make many more animated shorts like this!
Can't wait to check out more? All you have to do is head over to Patreon and for just a buck you can get access to more of the Edgy Brothers Presents animated shorts. Not only will you get to access the clean versions, but you'll get access to the uncensored versions of each animated short as well as additional bonus footage when it's available. Hey, you can't get much for a buck these days, but that's a pretty great deal if you ask us.